Intermediate Review Meeting

The SEED-FD Intermediate Review Meeting on October 29, 2024, highlighted progress in flood and drought forecasting. Alongside progress updates by the consortium, the meeting offered valuable exchange and feedback to support the project’s success.

SEED-FD Intermediate Review Meeting Preview

Attending were all consortium members from Magellium, ECMWF, IIASA, CNR-IRPI, ICPAC, vorteX-io, PoLiMi, Design & Data, and JRC, joined by advisory board members from CNES, ESA, Utrecht University, the University of Southampton, and the European Commission.

During the meeting, the consortium members shared a progress update on key areas of the SEED-FD project like:

  • Collection and production of new hydro-meteorological data
  • Enhanced hydrology through integration of Earth Observation (EO) and non-EO data
  • Improvement of the Hydrological Model and detection of extreme events
  • Prototyping and tuning of a new CEMS Hydrological Forecast Modelling Chain (HFMC)
  • Communication, dissemination, and project management

Plans for a workshop with all consortium members in Austria in February 2025 were also presented, aiming to showcase initial results in the Danube basin, collaboratively specify the validation use cases, and align on project advancements, risks, and solutions.

The Advisory Board members and representatives of the European Commission provided valuable feedback. They appreciated the progress of developments so far and the high level of interactivity with thoughtful comments and questions during the meeting.

The discussions were beneficial for all participants and will contribute to the further success of the SEED-FD project. They strengthened SEED-FD’s mission to advance reliable, timely hydrological forecasts, helping communities worldwide manage extreme weather impacts more effectively.

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